PONTEが送るフリーペーパー「Juggling Stories」。ジャグリングとともに世界を回る著者が、旅で出会ってきた人たちの話を書いています。読切の話を日英2言語で掲載。各巻、限定200部の発行です。まずは姫路のJJF2024で配布します。また、オンラインストアでご購入の方には残部ありの場合に限りご希望の号をお付けしますので、備考欄にお書きください。
“Juggling Stories” is a free zine by PONTE. The author, who travels around the world as a juggler, writes stories about people he has met in his travels. The stories are in two languages, English and Japanese. Each volume is limited to 200 copies. They will first be distributed at JJF2024 in Himeji. We can put issues of your choice when you purchase something from our online store if there are any copies left, so please write it down in the comment box.